Fashion Technology Archives - KIFT- College of Fashion & Interior

Fashion Technology

Impact of covid 19 on fashion industry

Impact of COVID-19 on the Fashion Industry

How did covid-19 affect the fashion industry? – Impact of covid-19 on fashion industry The fashion industry is one of the biggest and most profitable industries in the world. But during the period of the covid-19 pandemic, things have not been the brightest for any working industry, indistinct the fashion industry. The fashion industry recorded …

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Fashion Technology And Textile Engineering : Current Perspective

Fashion Technology And Textile Engineering Fashion Technology and Textile Engineering publish a journal every year. With this journal, their main aim is to publish the most reliable and complete sources of information. This published content is mostly based upon the discoveries and the current developments through the mode of review articles, original articles, short communications, …

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Difference between occasional shopping and obsessive shopping

Difference between occasional shopping and obsessive shopping

Difference between occasional shopping and obsessive shopping Shopping is an activity that intrigues everyone. Whether you are a fashion freak who always wants to wear the clothes that are trending or a gamer who just can’t resist the urge to buy the new skin or coins in your favorite game. Many people also consider shopping …

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